Senin, 19 Juni 2023

Democracy in America (Signet Classics) - Tocqueville, Alexis De Review & Synopsis


French nobleman Alexis de Tocqueville's classic treatise on the American way of life.

Over 175 years ago, Alexis de Tocqueville, an astute political scientist, came to the United States to evaluate the meaning and actual functioning of democracy. Here, Tocqueville discusses the advantages and dangers of majority rule-which he thought could be as tyrannical as the rule of a monarchy. He analyzes the influence of political parties and the press on the government and the effect of equality on the social, political, and economic life of the American people. He also offers some startling predictions about world politics, which history has borne out. So brilliant and penetrating are his comments and criticisms, they have vital meaning today for all who are interested in democracy.

Abridged and with an Introduction by Richard D. Heffner

and an Afterword by Vartan Gregorian


"No better study of a nation's institutions and culture than Tocqueville's Democracy in America has ever been written by a foreign observer; none perhaps as good." 

-- The New York Times 


Praise for the work of Joseph Epstein: 


"Epstein is one of the premier contemporary American essayists...What is so remarkable about Epstein as an essay writer is that he'll begin a discussion at some personal place...and end up in another place relevant to us all. He enjoys making language work, not making it jump through hoops for show." 


"Joseph Epstein is an essayist in the brilliant tradition of Charles Lamb. He moves so effortlessly from the amusingly personal to the broadly philosophical that it takes a moment before you realize how far out into the intellectual cosmos you've been taken."

--Tom Wolfe 

"Joseph Epstein's essays no more need his identifying byline than Van Gogh's paintings need his signature. Epstein's style--call it learned whimsy--is unmistakable; for Epstein addicts, indispensable."

--George Will

"Joseph Epstein is the liveliest, most erudite and engaging essayist we have."


--James Atlas

"If Epstein's ultimate ancestor is Montaigne, his more immediate master is Mencken. Like Mencken, he has fashioned a style that successfully combines elegance and even bookishness with street-smart colloquial directness. And there is nothing remote or aloof about him."

--John Gross, Chicago Tribune

From America's call for a free press to its embrace of the capitalist system, Democracy in America--first published in 1835--enlightens, entertains, and endures as a brilliant study of our national government and character. Philosopher John Stuart Mill called it "among the most remarkable productions of our time." Woodrow Wilson wrote that de Tocqueville's ability to illuminate the actual workings of American democracy was "possibly without rival." 


For today's readers, de Tocqueville's concern about the effect of majority rule on the rights of individuals remains deeply meaningful. His shrewd observations about the "almost royal prerogatives" of the president and the need for virtue in elected officials are particularly prophetic. His profound insights into the great rewards and responsibilities of democratic government are words every American needs to read, contemplate, and remember. 


 From America's call for a free press to its embrace of the capitalist system Democracy in America enlightens, entertains, and endures as a brilliant study of our national government and character. De Toqueville's concern about the effect of majority rule on the rights of individuals remains deeply meaningful. His insights into the great rewards and responsibilities of democratic government are words every American needs to read, contemplate, and remember.

Democracy in America

A French aristocrat's account of the ways in which democratic ideals were applied in America during the nineteenth century.

A French aristocrat's account of the ways in which democratic ideals were applied in America during the nineteenth century."

Democracies in America

Ask someone their thoughts about "democracy" and you'll get many different responses. Some may presume it a thing once established yet now under threat. Others may believe that democracy has always been compromised by the empowered few. In the contemporary United States, marked by constituencies across the political spectrum believing that their voices have gone unheard, "democracy" gets wielded in so many divergent directions as to be rendered nearly incoherent. Democracies in America reminds us that this reality is nothing new. Focusing on the various meanings of "democracy" that circulated in the long nineteenth century, the book collects twenty-five essays, each taking up a keyword in the language we use to talk about democracy. Penned by a group of diverse intellectuals, the entries tackle terms both commonplace (citizenship and representation) and paradigm-stretching (disgust and sham). The essays thus consider the relationship between "America" and "democracy" from multiple disciplinary angles and from different moments in a major historical period-amidst the vitality of the revolutionary epoch, in the contentious lead-up to the Civil War, and through the triumphs and failures of Reconstruction and the early reforms of the Progressive Era-while making both forward and backward glances in time. The book frames its keywords around a series of enduring democratic dilemmas and questions, and provides extensive resources for further study. Ultimately the volume cultivates, for students and teachers in classrooms, as well as citizens in libraries and cafés, a language to deliberate about the possibilities and problems of democracy in America.

James Madison, Federalist 51, in Clinton Rossiter, ed., The Federalist Papers (New York: Signet Classic , 1999), 319. 7. Ibid., 75. 8. Alexis de Tocqueville , Democracy in America , trans. George Lawrence, ed."

After Patrick Henry

Neal Herrick demonstrates, in a lucid manner, that government corruption is the predominant problem facing society today. Although bribery and influence peddling are the most visible aspect of this corruption, they are not, in Herrick's analysis, the most serious. For Herrick, the more serious aspect of government corruption is the laws that bribery and influence peddling produce-laws that favour the corporations-resulting in, what he calls, a kind of delusional corruption that leads, for example, to unjust and unnecessary wars. Tracing both forms of corruption back through American history, Herrick gives a brief account of governmental descent into lawlessness, identifies the constitutional flaw that led to this lawlessness, and discusses some of the issues that must be considered in devising remedies. Book jacket.

3 ) and Jonathan Schell , Introduction to Hannah Arendt , On Revolution ( Penguin Classics , 2006 ) , p . xxii . 6. Richard D. Heffner , in his introduction to Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America , ( A Signet Classic , 1984 , p ..."

Left Behind

The political and economic history of Latin America has been marked by great hopes and even greater disappointments. Despite abundant resources—and a history of productivity and wealth—in recent decades the region has fallen further and further behind developed nations, surpassed even by other developing economies in Southeast Asia and elsewhere. In Left Behind, Sebastian Edwards explains why the nations of Latin America have failed to share in the fruits of globalization and forcefully highlights the dangers of the recent turn to economic populism in the region. He begins by detailing the many ways Latin American governments have stifled economic development over the years through excessive regulation, currency manipulation, and thoroughgoing corruption. He then turns to the neoliberal reforms of the early 1990s, which called for the elimination of deficits, lowering of trade barriers, and privatization of inefficient public enterprises—and which, Edwards argues, held the promise of freeing Latin America from the burdens of the past. Flawed implementation, however, meant the promised gains of globalization were never felt by the mass of citizens, and growing frustration with stalled progress has led to a resurgence of populism throughout the region, exemplified by the economic policies of Venezuela’sHugo Chávez. But such measures, Edwards warns, are a recipe for disaster; instead, he argues, the way forward for Latin America lies in further market reforms, more honestly pursued and fairly implemented. As an example of the promise of that approach, Edwards points to Latin America's giant, Brazil, which under the successful administration of President Luis Inácio da Silva (Lula) has finally begun to show signs of reaching its true economic potential. As the global financial crisis has reminded us, the risks posed by failing economies extend far beyond their national borders. Putting Latin America back on a path toward sustained growth is crucial not just for the region but for the world, and Left Behind offers a clear, concise blueprint for the way forward.

1998. Progress, Poverty and Exclusion: An Economic History of Latin America in the 20th Century. Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank. Tocqueville , Alexis de . 1835. Democracy in America . New York: Signet Classics , 2001."

Teaching for Dissent

Teaching for Dissent looks at the implications of new forms of dissent for educational practice. The reappearance of dissent in political meetings and street protests opens new possibilities for improved democratic life and citizen participation. This book argues that this possibility will not be fulfilled if schools do not cultivate the skills necessary for our citizens to engage in political dissent. The authors look at how practices in schools, such as the testing regime and the 'hidden curriculum', suppress students' ability to voice ideas that stand in opposition to the status quo. Teaching for Dissent calls for a realignment of the curriculum and the practices of schooling with a guiding vision of democratic participation.

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience. New York: Signet . Classic . Tocqueville , Alexis de . 1965. Democracy in America , ed. Mortimer Adler, Great Books of the Western World. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. Toms, Elaine, and Wendy Duff."

The Roots of Participatory Democracy

This book compares the Communist parties of India and South Africa in their pursuits of socialist democracy. Williams looks at their organizational characteristics, party history, and their competing tendencies, as well as how they have pushed forward their similar ideologies within their unique political and economic environments.

Draft article for the Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, July. Tocqueville , Alexis de . 2001. Democracy in America . New York and London: Signet Classic . Tornquist, Olle. 1991. “Communists and Democracy: Two Indian Cases and One ..."

The Consumer Citizen

Citizens are asked to buy, and asked to consider to buy, goods of all sizes and all prices, nearly all of the time. Appeals to political decision-making are less common. In The Consumer Citizen, Ethan Porter investigates how the techniques of everyday consumer experiences can shape political behavior. Drawing on more than a dozen original studies, he shows that the casual conflation of consumer and political decisions has profound implications for how Americans think about politics. Indeed, Porter explains that consumer habits can affect citizens' attitudes about their government, their taxes, their politicians, and even whether they purchase government-sponsored health insurance. The consumer citizen approaches government as if it were just an ordinary firm. Of course, government is not an ordinary firm---far from it---and the disjunction between what government is, and the consumer apparatus that citizens bring to bear on their evaluations of it, offers insight into several long-unanswered questions in political behavior and public opinion. How do many Americans make sense of the political world? The Consumer Citizen offers a novel answer: By relying on the habits and tools that they learn as consumers.

64 (4): 416–424. Titmuss, Richard. 1958. Essays on the Welfare State. London: Allen Unwin, 1958. Tocqueville , Alexis de . 1835 [2001]. Democracy in America . New York, New York: Signet Classics . Tomz, Michael, and Paul Sniderman. 2005."

Heretics in the Temple

Papke (law and liberal arts, Indiana U.) traces the lineage of legal heretics from 19th-century activists up to more recent radicals and to the contemporary rejection of legal authority by various militia and anti-abortion movements. He illuminates a tradition of American legal heresy, linked by a body of shared references, idols, and commitments, that problematizes the American belief in legal neutrality and highlights the historical conflicts between law and justice. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

45. James Fenimore Cooper, The Pioneers (1826; reprint New York: Signet Classic , 1964), 13–14. 46. Id., 153. 47. Id., 343. 48. Id., 364–65. 49. Alexis de Tocqueville , Democracy in America (1835; reprint London: Oxford ..."

Ecological Politics

Politics stoutly resists efforts to meet dire threats to human survival, such as climate change, industrial poisons, and “natural” disasters. This book seizes on new discoveries of nature’s interconnective ways to demand politics and government without violence, fair and equal access to the ballot box, dialogue across differences, and electoral action from the ground up by an independent political party.

... James Madison, and John Jay, The Federalist Papers, introduction and notes by Charles R. Kessler, edited by Clinton Rossiter, originally published in 1788 (New York: Signet Classics ). 10. Alexis de Tocqueville , Democracy in America , ..."

The Art of Peace

Sun Tzu, author of 'The Art of War', believed that the acme of leadership consists in figuring out how to subdue the enemy with the least amount of fightinga fact that America's Founders also understood, and practiced with astonishing success. For it to work, however, a people must possess both the ability and the willingness to use all available instruments of power in peace as much as in war. US foreign policy has increasingly neglected the instruments of civilian power and become overly dependent on lethal solutions to conflict. The steep rise in unconventional conflict has increased the need for diplomatic and other non-hard power tools of statecraft. The United States can no longer afford to sit on the proverbial three-legged national security stool ("military, diplomacy, development"), where one leg is a lot longer than either of the other two, almost forgetting altogether the fourth leginformation, especially strategic communication and public diplomacy. The United States isn't so much becoming militarized as DE civilianized. According to Sun Tzu, self-knowledge is as important as knowledge of one's enemy: "if you know neither yourself nor the enemy, you will succumb in every battle." Alarmingly, the United States is deficient on both counts. And though we can stand to lose a few battles, the stakes of losing the war itself in this age of nuclear proliferation are too high to contemplate.

Forging an American Grand Strategy: Security a Path Through a Complex Future, Selected Presentations from a Symposium at the National Defense University. ... Tocqueville , Alexis de . Democracy in America . New York: Signet Classics , 2010."


Reboot to work; retirement is a disease. It 's better to wear out than rust out. That is the message of Reboot! While American culture glamorizes the Golden Years of endless leisure and amusement, Phil Burgess rejects retirement, as he makes the case for returning to work in the post-career years, a time he calls later life. Based on solid research from the social and medical sciences, the author says, It is better to die with your boots on, fully engaged in helping others and repairing the world. Reboot! is partly autobiographical. Indeed, the author is working well into his own post-career years, following two failed retirements. He is also convincing in his eye-opening, historically rooted, and hope-filled arguments for engaging in life-long work that is productive and satisfying. Reboot! identifies five different types of work: in-kind, volunteer, Samaritan, enrichment, and paid work. Booters who incorporate one or more of these types of work into their post-career lifestyle will, according to Burgess, live longer, live better, and die faster avoiding boredom, aimless busy-ness, diminished self-worth and the anguish (and cost) of lingering death. With America 's 78 million boomers turning 65 at the rate of 10,000 a day for the next 18 years, Reboot! provides a timely and provocative alternative to the conventional idea of retirement. With the promises of Social Security and Medicare about to be broken, Reboot! provides an upbeat and constructive way to deal with new financial realities. For men and women navigating life 's transitions, striving to finish well, Reboot! provides a roadmap for living a life of meaning, challenging the reader to be a booter, not a retiree. Burgess boldly asserts that retirement is a deadly disease, and that work after a life of work is the best option for post-career years that are meaningful, productive, healthy, and satisfying. See www.BooterNation.comExcerpts: On retirement: Not all ideas are good ideas. Some are bad ideas. Retirement is one of those bad ideas it makes no sense Retirement is not natural. It is not historic. It is not healthy. It is not, for most people, fulfilling. For many, retirement is a widow maker. On the value of work: The social engagement and satisfaction that come from working in later life are keys to successful aging There is much work to do in this world where we are but temporary inhabitants. We should find it and do it at least for as long as we re able. In many ways, our life depends on it. On work and money: Work is not only about money. Even if you don t need the money and your financial situation is stable and comfortable, returning to work in your post-career life is the smart thing to do at least until sidelined by frailty or disability. It 's smart because good health and satisfaction in later-life are most likely to come from working. On different types of work: For most of us, post-career work will be tailored work, work customized to reflect our needs, our deepest desires, and the highest and best use of our gifts especially time, talent, and treasure. Work tailored to our gifts will be productive and satisfying.

See Ronald D . Siegel , The Mindfulness Solution : Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems , New York: Guilford Press, 2010, and especially Chapter 10 on aging, pp. 283-314. See Darragh Johnson, “An Old Salt's Sea Change,” The Washington ..."

Truth and Privilege

A fascinating comparative history of the legal arguments and strategies used to regulate expression in Massachusetts and Nova Scotia.

In Women of America: A History, edited by Carol Berkin & Mary Beth Norton, 177–201. ... Tocqueville , Alexis de . Democracy in America , edited by Richard D. Heffner. New York: Signet Classics , 2001, first published 1835. Tratt, Gertrude."

Organized Crime

This book aims to describe and demystify what makes criminal gangs so culturally powerful. It examines their codes of conduct, initiation rites, secret communications methods, origin myths, symbols, and the like that imbue the gangsters with the pride and nonchalance that goes hand in hand with their criminal activities. Mobsters are everywhere in the movies, on television, and on websites. Contemporary societies are clearly fascinated by them. Why is this so? What feature and constituents of organized criminal gangs make them so emotionally powerful—to themselves and others? These are the questions that have guided the writing of this textbook, which is intended as an introduction to organized crime from the angle of cultural analysis. Key topics include: • An historic overview of organized crime, including the social, economic, and cultural conditions that favour its development; • A review of the type of people who make up organized gangs and the activities in which they engage; • The symbols, rituals, codes and languages that characterize criminal institutions; • The relationship between organized crime and cybercrime; • The role of women in organized crime; • Drugs and narco-terrorism; • Media portrayals of organized crime. Organized Crime includes case studies and offers an accessible, interdisciplinary approach to the subject of organized crime. It is essential reading for students engaged with organized crime across criminology, sociology, anthropology and psychology.

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 67: 130–138. Harding, Luke (2012). Mafia State: How One Reporter ... Tocqueville , Alexis de (1840). Democracy in America . New York: Signet Classics . Wang, Peng and Blancke, ..."

Religion, Flesh, and Blood

This book presents a portrait of a congregation that blends therapy and religion, producing a “therapeutic religion” in which: the role and meaning of religion are open to interpretation; religious identities are shaped by life experiences; and healing of the person is underscored. The book also highlights some of the tensions this produces.

 Tocqueville , Alexis de . Democracy in America . Edited and abridged by Richard D. Heffner. New York: Signet Classic , 2001. Unity Fellowship Church. “Unity Fellowship Church: History.” Unity Fellowship Church of Christ Church, ..."

Keeping Out the Other

With contributions from social scientists, policy analysts, legal experts, community organisers, and journalists, this text provides a history and analysis of immigration enforcement in the United States.

Nancy Gibbs, “An In-Depth View of American by the Numbers,” Time, October30, 2006,48. 22. Steven Greenhouse and David Leonhardt, ... Alexis de Tocqueville , Democracy in America , ed. Richard Heffner (New York: Signet Classics , 2001). 40."

The Politics of Social Ties

After forced migration to a country where immigrants form an ethnic majority, why do some individuals support exclusivist and nationalist political parties while others do not? Based on extensive interviews and an original survey of 1,200 local Serbs and ethnic Serbian refugees fleeing violent conflict in Bosnia and Croatia, The Politics of Social Ties argues that those immigrants who form close interpersonal networks with others who share their experiences, such as the loss of family, friends, and home, in addition to the memory of ethnic violence from past wars, are more likely to vote for nationalist parties. Any political mobilization occurring within these interpersonal networks is not strategic, rather, individuals engage in political discussion with people who have a greater capacity for mutual empathy over the course of discussing other daily concerns. This book adds the dimension of ethnic identity to the analysis of individual political behavior, without treating ethnic groups as homogeneous social categories. It adds valuable insight to the existing literature on political behavior by emphasizing the role of social ties among individuals.

... and Social Identity in American Life (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004); Alexis De Tocqueville , Democracy in America (New York: Signet Classics , 2001 [1835]); Heinz Eulau and Lawrence Rothenberg, “Life Spaces and Social ..."

Born to be Free

This book explains the basic concepts, in layman’s language, of American political thought and the strategy for getting its teaching back onto our college campuses and into our high schools where it has been missing for many years.

2003. The Federalist Papers. With an introduction and notes by Charles R. Kesler. New York: Signet Classics . Sacks, Jonathan, trans. 2015. Pirkei Avot. Jerusalem: Koren Publishers. Tocqueville , Alexis de . 2000. Democracy in America ."

Conceived in Liberty

Conceived in Liberty is a cultural, sociological and geopolitical review of the uniquely American notion that the country and its people are “exceptional.” While all nations have their own patriotic commitments, no other people have outwardly declared their power as vigorously as have Americans, especially since World War II. John J. Tierney, Jr. advances the idea that liberty is the singular source of the power of the American worldview and all other elements of this society—equality, patience, charity, justice, etc.—are derived from liberty. He argues that this worldview comes from this one source and is responsible for the many movements that may engage the public’s interest, such as women’s rights, civil rights, and voting rights. Such movements are all positive, but they could not exist in a society devoid of liberty. Conceived in Liberty also traces other main components of the American worldview: geographic expanse, immigration, energy of the populace, diversity, public policies, and the elements that contribute to exceptionalism. Tierney is not blind to some of the deficiencies of the United States, but he posits that the liberty it manifests is truly the political globe’s last, best hope.

Paine, Thomas, Collected Writings (New York: Literary Classics of the United States, 1955), 169. 28. ... 47. de Tocqueville , Alexis , Democracy In America , Richard D. Heffner, Ed. (New York: Signet Classic , 2001), 145. 48."

A Documentary History of the United States

Here in a single volume are the documents, speeches, and letters that have forged American history, accompanied by interpretations of their significance by noted historian and broadcaster Richard D. Heffner. It includes complete text of the Declaration of Independence, the complete Constitution of the United States, the Emancipation Proclamation, FDR?s ?Four Freedoms? Speech, John F. Kennedy?s Inaugural Address, Martin Luther King Jr.?s ?I Have a Dream? Speech, documents relating to September 11, 2001, and Barack Obama?s Inaugural Address.

In addition to A Documentary History of the United States, Mr. Heffner has edited and introduced the Signet Classics edition of Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America . Random House/Schocken Books published his Conversations with ..."

The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Politics

As a field of scholarship, gender and politics has exploded over the last fifty years and is now global, institutionalized, and ever expanding. The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Politics brings to political science an accessible and comprehensive overview of the key contributions of gender scholars to the study of politics and shows how these contributions produce a richer understanding of polities and societies. Like the field it represents, the handbook has a broad understanding of what counts as political and is based on a notion of gender that highlights masculinities as well as femininities, thereby moving feminist debates in politics beyond the focus on women. It engages with some of the key aspects of political science as well as important themes in gender and feminist research (such as sexuality and body politics), thereby forging a dialogue between gender studies in politics and mainstream political science. The handbook is organized in sections that look at sexuality and body politics; political economy; civil society; participation, representation and policymaking; institutions, states and governance as well as nation, citizenship and identity. The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Politics contains and reflects the best scholarship in its field.

Berkeley: University of California Press. de Tocqueville , Alexis . [1835] 2001. Democracy in America . New York: Signet Classics . Diamond, L. J. 1994. “Toward democratic consolidation.” Journal of Democracy 5: 4–17. Dionne, E. J. 1998."

A Nation of Nations

“An incisive look at immigration, assimilation, and national identity” (Kirkus Reviews) and the landmark immigration law that transformed the face of the nation more than fifty years ago, as told through the stories of immigrant families in one suburban county in Virginia. In the years since the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, the foreign-born population of the United States has tripled. Americans today are vastly more diverse than ever. They look different, speak different languages, practice different religions, eat different foods, and enjoy different cultures. In 1950, Fairfax County, Virginia, was ninety percent white, ten percent African-American, with a little more than one hundred families who were “other.” Currently the Anglo white population is less than fifty percent, and there are families of Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and Latin American origin living all over the county. “In A Nation of Nations, National Public Radio correspondent Tom Gjelten brings these changes to life” (The Wall Street Journal), following a few immigrants to Fairfax County over recent decades as they gradually “Americanize.” Hailing from Korea, Bolivia, and Libya, the families included illustrate common immigrant themes: friction between minorities, economic competition and entrepreneurship, and racial and cultural stereotyping. It’s been half a century since the Immigration and Nationality Act changed the landscape of America, and no book has assessed the impact or importance of this law as A Nation of Nations. With these “powerful human stories…Gjelten has produced a compelling and informative account of the impact of the 1965 reforms, one that is indispensable reading at a time when anti-immigrant demagoguery has again found its way onto the main stage of political discourse” (The Washington Post).

A Great American Immigration Story Tom Gjelten ... 5 “new and unbounded”: Alexis de Tocqueville , Democracy in America , ed. Richard D. Heffner (New York: Signet Classics / New American Library, 2001), 182. 5 “where the inhabitants ..."

English Grammar for Students of Spanish: The Study Guide for Those Learning Spanish, 7th edition - Learn Spanish (O & H Study Guides) - Emily Spinelli Review & Synopsis


Seventh edition of this popular self-study guide for students of Spanish. Each chapter covers a grammar point: i.e., a part of speech (noun, verb, pronoun), a word's function in a sentence (subject, direct object, indirect object), a grammatical term (tense, conjugation, gender, agreement). Each chapter is divided into two sections. 1. In English: grammar is explained as it relates to English, anticipating concepts necessary for Spanish. 2. In Spanish: grammar is explained as it relates to Spanish, with examples and explanations of the rules applied. Points out similarities, differences, and alerts students to pitfalls. Study Tips: how to learn vocabulary, memorize verb conjugations.... Available online: 1. Review booklet with Answer key 2. Correlations to popular1st-year college Spanish textbooks indicating the pages that correspond to the grammar points to be studied in class. This self-study guide is part of the O&H Study Guide series for students of foreign languages. Experience has shown that students using the O&H Spanish Study Guide improve their performance in Spanish grammar thanks to a better understanding of English grammar and teachers can devote more class time to developing communicative skills.


Emily Spinelli is the Executive Director of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) and Professor Emerita of Spanish at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Emily is the author of college-level Spanish textbooks as well as articles and reviews in scholarly journals. She has also served as Editor of Foreign Language Annals. Emily is a frequent speaker at conferences and is also the recipient of numerous awards including the Florence Steiner Award for Leadership in Foreign Language Education.With English Grammar for Students of Spanish . . . students will be able to resolve many problems for themselves, thereby freeing teachers for more profitable work in class. --Modern Language Journal; This series is highly recommended. --Choice, Publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries; This concise manual is well organized and easy to use. --Canadian Modern Language Journal; This series is highly recommended. --Choice, Publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries;This concise manual is well organized and easy to use. --Canadian Modern Language Journal

This series is highly recommended. --Choice, Publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries

This concise manual is well organized and easy to use. --Canadian Modern Language Journal

English Grammar for Students of Spanish

This book explains the grammatical terms that are in your Spanish textbook and shows you how they relate to English Grammar. It also includes specific study tips for learning different types of words.

This book explains the grammatical terms that are in your Spanish textbook and shows you how they relate to English Grammar. It also includes specific study tips for learning different types of words."

SPANISH in 10 Minutes a Day®

"Digital download included with your purchase"--Cover.

"Digital download included with your purchase"--Cover."

McGraw-Hill Education Beginning Spanish Grammar

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. What you need to know to master basic Spanish grammar McGraw-Hill: Beginning Spanish Grammar guides you through this often-difficult subject, clearly explaining essential concepts and giving you the practice you need to reach your language goals. With an easy and unintimidating approach, each chapter introduces one grammar topic followed by skill-building exercises, allowing you to learn and study at your own pace. At the end of this workbook, you will have mastered grammar areas such as gender, articles, adjectives, possessives, and verb tenses and will be ready to take your grammar knowledge to the next level. Features: 107 units, each presenting one topic in a bite-sized,two-page format More than 400 exercises that give you real confidencein your new language skills A bilingual glossary featuring hundreds of terms for quick reference Numerous illustrations and usage examples showingSpanish grammar in context Luis Aragones and Ramon Palencia are Spanish-language learning experts. Grupo SM is the third-largest educational publisher in the Spanish-speaking world. McGraw-Hill: Beginning Spanish Grammar is the first book in a three-part series: after completing this workbook you can build on your skills with McGraw-Hill: Intermediate Spanish Grammar and McGraw-Hill: Advanced Spanish Grammar.

At the end of this workbook, you will have mastered grammar areas such as gender, articles, adjectives, possessives, and verb tenses and will be ready to take your grammar knowledge to the next level."

The Athenaeum

 1 , To increase the hardness of the wood , and to preserve it from decay , a solution of pyrolignite of iron is to be ... A semicircular arch of perhaps 40 dia- Arundel , had licence to imbattle his manor - house meter occupied the sky ..."

Educational Times

By OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE ; 418 Pp . , and How to Write Them . ... This is a book whichevery examinerand schoolmaster McHenry's Spanish Grammar . ... WHITE , B.A. Seventh Edition , Revised by H. A. A Handy Book of English Spelling ."

Schaum's Outline of Spanish Grammar, Seventh Edition

Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time? Textbook too Pricey? Fortunately, there’s Schaum’s. More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum’s to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum’s is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, sovled problems, and practice exercises to test your skills. Schaum’s Outline of Spanish Grammar, Seventh Edition is packed with clear, logical explanations that will help you build linguistic competency in Spanish. This updated edition provides expanded coverage of special verb forms and verb usages unique to Latin America to match the latest high school and college courses. Schaum’s Outline of Spanish Grammar, Seventh Edition features: •368 practice exercises with answers •An accessible review of Spanish grammar•Verbal charts and quick drills to hone your skills •10-page appendix reflecting the latest developments in Spanish courses •Support for all the major textbooks for Spanish courses•Content that is appropriate for Elementary Spanish I, Elementary Spanish II, Intermediate Spanish I, and Intermediate Spanish II courses PLUS: Access to the revised website and app, with over 2.5 hours of downloadable audio files, and more. Schaum’s reinforces the main concepts required in your course and offers hundreds of practice exercises to help you succeed. Use Schaum’s to shorten your study time--and get your best test scores! Schaum’s Outlines – Problem solved.

This updated edition provides expanded coverage of special verb forms and verb usages unique to Latin America to match the latest high school and college courses."

Forthcoming Books

How to Love a Black Woman . 176p . ... No Mentor but Myself " Jack London on Writing & Writers . 2nd ed . 224p . ... Desert Queen : The Extraordinary Life of Gertrude Bell : Adventurer , Adviser to Kings , Ally of Lawrence of Arabia ."

501 French Verbs

Learning French is easy with Barron’s 501 French Verbs. The authors provide clear, easy-to-use review of the most important and commonly used verbs from the French language. Each verb is listed alphabetically in easy-to-follow chart form—one verb per page with its English translation. This comprehensive guide to French verb usage is ideal for students, travelers, and adult learners. It includes: 501 verbs conjugated in all persons and tenses, both active and passive A bilingual list of more than 1,250 additional verbs The 55 most essential French verbs used in context Helpful expressions and idioms for travelers Verb drills and short tests with all questions answered and explained

Each verb is listed alphabetically in easy-to-follow chart form—one verb per page with its English translation. This comprehensive guide to French verb usage is ideal for students, travelers, and adult learners."

The Publishers' Circular and Booksellers' Record of British and Foreign Literature

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The Manhattan Family Guide to Private Schools and Selective Public Schools, Seventh Edition

This is the best and most comprehensive guide to Manhattan's private schools, including Brooklyn and Riverdale. Written by a parent who is also an expert on school admissions, this guide has been helping New York City parents choose the best private and selective public schools for their children for over 20 years. The new edition has been completely revised and expanded to include the latest tuition, and scholarships. It now lists over 75 elementary and high schools including schools for special needs children.

Fifth- and 6th-graders study English , social studies, and math with their homeroom teacher. Specialists teach Spanish , science, art, music, shop, and physical education. In 7th and 8th grades, students are divided into two mixed-age ..."

The Educational Times

Rowbotham's New Guide to Spanish Conversation . 4th Edition . 1868. 16mo , cloth , $ s . Sauer's Spanish Conversation Grammar . 12mo , cloth , 5s . 6d . KEY to ditto , 12mo , boards , 25 . Heimann's Materials for Translating English ..."

The Monthly Literary Advertiser

Lord JOHN SCOTT , THE TWO BABYLONS ; proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and his Wife . Illustrations from Nineveh , Babylon , Egypt , Pompeii , & c . ALEXANDER HISLOP , of East Free Church , Arbroath . " We can assure our readers that ..."

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The New Guide to French Conversation ' will be found extremely useful to tourists . ... The best and most complete grammar of the French language ever pre pared for the use of English students . ... 1s Gd SPANISH - ENG , and ENG ."

Digital Filmmaking For Kids For Dummies

The easy way for kids to get started with filmmaking If you've been bitten by the filmmaking bug—even if you don't have a background in video or access to fancy equipment—Digital Filmmaking For Kids makes it easy to get up and running with digital filmmaking! This fun and friendly guide walks you through a ton of cool projects that introduce you to all stages of filmmaking. Packed with full-color photos, easy-to-follow instruction, and simple examples, it shows you how to write a script, create a storyboard, pick a set, light a scene, master top-quality sound, frame and shoot, edit, add special effects, and share your finished product with friends or a global audience. Anyone can take a selfie or upload a silly video to YouTube—but it takes practice and skill to shoot professional-looking frames and make your own short film. Written by a film and video professional who has taught hundreds of students, this kid-accessible guide provides you with hands-on projects that make it fun to learn all aspects of video production, from planning to scripting to filming to editing. Plus, it includes access to videos that highlight and demonstrate skills covered in the book, making learning even easier and less intimidating to grasp. Create a film using the tools at hand Plan, script, light and shoot your video Edit and share your film Plan a video project from start to finish If you're a student aged 7–16 with an interest in creating and sharing your self-made video, this friendly guide lights the way for your start in digital filmmaking.

Apple & Mac iPad For Dummies , 6th Edition 978-1-118-72306-7 iPhone For Dummies , 7th Edition 978-1-118-69083-3 Macs All ... MA Author of Spanish Grammar For Dummies ER IR AR Learn to : Set up your iPhone , send and receive e - mail ..."

JavaScript For Kids For Dummies

Have big dreams? Kick start them with JavaScript! If we've learned one thing from the Millennial generation, it's that no one is too young to make history online. JavaScript For Kids For Dummies introduces pre-teens and early teens alike to the world of JavaScript, which is an integral programming language that drives the functionality of websites and apps. This informative, yet engaging text guides you through the basics of coding with JavaScript, and is an essential resource if you want to expand your technology skills while following easy, step-by-step instructions. Through small, goal-oriented projects, you learn key coding concepts, while actually creating apps, games, and more. This hands-on experience, coupled with the presentation of ideas in a simple style, allows you to both learn and retain JavaScript fundamentals. JavaScript has been heralded as 'the programming language of the web,' and many kids are interested in learning how to use it; however, most schools don't offer coding classes at this level, and most families can't afford the high cost of coding classes through a summer camp. But this can't stop you from developing your JavaScript coding skills! This fun text is all you need to get started on your JavaScript journey. Explore the basics of JavaScript through the creation of a calculator app Deepen your understanding of HTML, arrays, and variables by building a grocery shopping app Learn conditional logic through the development of a choose your own adventure game Discover loops and strings by creating a lemonade stand app and MadLibs-style game JavaScript For Kids For Dummies brings pre-teens and early teens into the world of coding by teaching them one of the key Web design languages.

Apple & Mac iPad For Dummies , 6th Edition 978-1-118-72306-7 iPhone For Dummies , 7th Edition 978-1-118-69083-3 Macs All - in ... Foreign Language 500 Spanish Verbs For Dummies 978-1-118-02382-2 English Grammar For Dummies , 2nd Edition ..."

CPA Exam For Dummies with Online Practice

Get started on the path to passing the CPA exam today Passing the CPA exam can be the first step to a long and rewarding career. With CPA Exam For Dummies, you'll get a full overview of the exam, information on how to register, the requirements for taking and passing the tests, as well as a review of the four sections. This comprehensive introductory study guide provides you with a wealth of information, including all the current AICPA content requirements in auditing and attestation, business environment and concepts, financial accounting and reporting, and accounting regulation. From start to finish, the text is designed to prepare you for each portion of this rigorous exam. Preparing for the CPA exam can be a daunting process. With the classic For Dummies approach, CPA Exam For Dummies offers an overview and steps on how to get started. Go at your own pace to master the various sections of the exam, and use the book as a reference on an ongoing basis as you prepare for the exam portions. Dive into the book to find: An overview of the CPA exam, featuring exam organization and information on scoring A content review, including practice questions and explanations of answers Online bonus practice exams to boost your knowledge and confidence An overview of the benefits of passing the CPA exam and becoming a certified public accountant For those seeking to pass the CPA exam and launch their accounting careers, CPA Exam For Dummies is the go-to resource for getting started!

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Fiddle For Dummies

Learn to play the fiddle? Easy. Tackling a new instrument can be intimidating, but with this easy-to-use guide, you'll have no trouble at all! From selecting, tuning, and caring for your fiddle to mastering various music styles, Fiddle For Dummies walks you step-by-step through everything you need to start playing the fiddle like a pro. You'll discover how to hold a fiddle, master fundamental techniques, and take your skills to the next level. This title also features companion audio tracks and instructional video clips hosted online at to help further enhance your skills. The fiddle is a popular instrument across many continents, and is a favorite for many because it is small and portable. Playing the fiddle can expose you to a range of musical styles from all over the world, such as Irish, Scottish, Celtic/Cape Breton, country, folk, bluegrass, and more. Plus, if you're already a violin player, you'll impress yourself and fellow musicians as you unlock your instrument to open up a whole new world of sounds. Learn fiddle techniques and fundamentals Select, tune, and care for your fiddle Join the folk instrument movement and master the fiddle Play fiddle music from all over the world Whether you're a complete beginner or a violin player looking to branch out and try something new, Fiddle For Dummies will have you fit as a fiddle in no time.

Apple & Mac iPad For Dummies , 6th Edition 978-1-118-72306-7 iPhone For Dummies , 7th Edition 978-1-118-69083-3 Macs ... 978-1-118-60755-8 Language & Foreign Language 500 Spanish Verbs For Dummies 978-1-118-02382-2 English Grammar For ..."

The Art of Biblical Narrative - Alter, Robert Review & Synopsis


From celebrated translator of the Hebrew Bible Robert Alter, the classic study of the Bible as literature, a winner of the National Jewish Book Award

Renowned critic and translator Robert Alter's The Art of Biblical Narrative has radically expanded our view of the Bible by recasting it as a work of literary art deserving studied criticism. In this seminal work, Alter describes how the Hebrew Bible's many authors used innovative literary styles and devices such as parallelism, contrastive dialogue, and narrative tempo to tell one of the most revolutionary stories of all time: the revelation of a single God. In so doing, Alter shows, these writers reshaped not only history, but also the art of storytelling itself.


Robert Alter is Class of 1937 Professor of Hebrew and Comparative Literature at the University of California at Berkeley. His translation of the Hebrew Bible has won the PEN Center Literary Award for Translation, and he is translator and author of numerous other books, including The Art of Biblical Poetry. A member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a recipient of the Robert Kirsch Award for lifetime contributions to American letters, he lives in Berkeley, California.Winner of the National Jewish Book Award for Jewish Thought

"A groundbreaking study that encourages us to look beneath the theological surface of the biblical text to glimpse its beating heart."-Jonathan Kirsch, Los Angeles Times

"[An] admirable book....It is truly extraordinary that such familiar tales as those of Joseph and David should acquire so much detail and color, as if perfectly restored."-The New York Times

"The results of [Alter's] work give the Bible a fresh voice for a new generation of readers."-Christian Science Monitor

"This clearly written book should please anyone interested in the fundamentals of storytelling."-The Washington Post

The Art of Biblical Narrative

Since it was first published nearly three decades ago, The Art of Biblical Narrative has radically expanded the horizons of biblical scholarship by recasting the Bible as a work of literary art deserving studied criticism. Renowned critic and translator Robert Alter presents the Hebrew Bible as a cohesive literary work, one whose many authors used innovative devices such as parallelism, contrastive dialogue, and narrative tempo to tell one of the most revolutionary stories of human history: the revelation of a single god.

Renowned critic and translator Robert Alter presents the Hebrew Bible as a cohesive literary work, one whose many authors used innovative devices such as parallelism, contrastive dialogue, and narrative tempo to tell one of the most ..."

The Art of Biblical Poetry

Three decades ago, renowned literary expert Robert Alter radically expanded the horizons of biblical scholarship by recasting the Bible as not only a human creation but a work of literary art deserving studied criticism. In The Art of Biblical Poetry, his companion to the seminal The Art of Biblical Narrative, Alter takes his analysis beyond narrative craft to investigate the use of Hebrew poetry in the Bible. Updated with a new preface, myriad revisions, and passages from Alter's own critically acclaimed biblical translations, The Art of Biblical Poetry is an indispensable tool for understanding the Bible and its poetry.

In The Art of Biblical Poetry, his companion to the seminal The Art of Biblical Narrative, Alter takes his analysis beyond narrative craft to investigate the use of Hebrew poetry in the Bible."

The Art of Bible Translation

In this brief book, award-winning biblical translator and acclaimed literary critic Robert Alter offers a personal and passionate account of what he learned about the art of Bible translation over the two decades he spent completing his own English version of the Hebrew Bible. Alter's literary training gave him the advantage of seeing that a translation of the Bible can convey the text's meaning only by trying to capture the powerful and subtle literary style of the biblical Hebrew, something the modern English versions don't do justice to. The Bible's style, Alter writes, "is not some sort of aesthetic embellishment of the 'message' of Scripture but the vital medium through which the biblical vision of God, human nature, history, politics, society, and moral value is conveyed." And, as the translators of the King James Version knew, the authority of the Bible is inseparable from its literary authority. For these reasons, the Bible can be brought to life in English only by re-creating its literary virtuosity, and Alter discusses the principal aspects of style in the Hebrew Bible that any translator should try to reproduce: word choice, syntax, word play and sound play, rhythm, and dialogue. In the process, he provides an illuminating and accessible introduction to biblical style that also offers insights about the art of translation far beyond the Bible. --! From publisher's description

In this brief book, award-winning biblical translator and acclaimed literary critic Robert Alter offers a personal and passionate account of what he learned about the art of Bible translation over the two decades he spent completing his own ..."

Art Of Biblical Poetry

Analyzes the structure, functions, and metaphors of the poetry in Psalms, Job, Proverbs, and other books of the Old Testament.

Analyzes the structure, functions, and metaphors of the poetry in Psalms, Job, Proverbs, and other books of the Old Testament."

The Art of Biblical History

Deliberately echoing the titles of Robert Alter's seminal 'The art of biblical narrative' and 'The art of biblical poetry', Dr Long engages the issues of the nature of history, the importance of historicity, and modern disagreements over ..."

The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary

One of Newsweek’s Best Books of the Year and winner of the Robert Kirsch Award for Lifetime Achievement. A cornerstone of the scriptural canon, the Book of Psalms has been a source of solace and joy for countless readers over millennia. This timeless poetry is beautifully wrought by a scholar whose translation of the Five Books of Moses was hailed as a “godsend” by Seamus Heaney and a “masterpiece” by Robert Fagles. Alter’s The Book of Psalms captures the simplicity, the physicality, and the coiled rhythmic power of the Hebrew, restoring the remarkable eloquence of these ancient poems. His learned and insightful commentary illuminates the obscurities of the text.

Alter’s The Book of Psalms captures the simplicity, the physicality, and the coiled rhythmic power of the Hebrew, restoring the remarkable eloquence of these ancient poems."

The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes: A Translation with Commentary

First time in paperback: “One of the most ambitious literary projects of this or any age.”—Adam Kirsch, New Republic Here in Robert Alter's bold new translation are some of the most magnificent works in world literature. The astounding poetry in the Book of Job is restored to its powerful ancient meanings and rhythms. The creation account in its Voice from the Whirlwind is beautiful and incendiary. By contrast, a serene fatalism suffuses Ecclesiastes with a quiet beauty, and the pithy maxims of Proverbs impart a worldly wisdom that is satirically shrewd. Each of these books addresses the universal wisdom that the righteous thrive and the wicked suffer in a rational moral order; together they are essential to the ancient canon that is the Hebrew Bible.

Each of these books addresses the universal wisdom that the righteous thrive and the wicked suffer in a rational moral order; together they are essential to the ancient canon that is the Hebrew Bible."

Canon and Creativity

In this illuminating book, one of our foremost literary critics views the much-debated question of the literary canon from an entirely new angle. Robert Alter explores the ways in which a range of iconoclastic twentieth-century authors have put to use the stories, language, and imagery of the paramount canonical text--the Hebrew Bible. Alter makes a compelling case against the prevalent, pejorative notion of the canon as a vehicle of ideological enforcement. He shows instead that canons by nature are surprisingly elastic, providing later writers with imaginative resources even when those same writers rebel against what they conceive as the constraints of the canon. Focusing special attention on Franz Kafka's Amerika, Haim Nahman Bialik's The Dead of the Desert, and James Joyce's Ulysses, Alter brings to bear an unusual perspective, putting into a single frame of discussion three writers from widely different linguistic traditions (German, Hebrew, English) and from disparate cultural settings (Prague, Odessa, Dublin). Alter's close readings of these major modern writers reveal how reference to canonical antecedents can be both surprisingly various and enabling. Examining the diverse modes in which Biblical material becomes interwoven with the fabric of a new work, he also offers new insights into the nature and range of modernism. Critically appreciative rather than polemic in tone, Alter conveys in this thoughtful book a renewed sense of the vitality of literary modernism.

In this illuminating book, one of our foremost literary critics views the much-debated question of the literary canon from an entirely new angle."

The Literary Guide to the Bible

Rediscover the incomparable literary richness and strength of a book that all of us live with an many of us live by. An international team of renowned scholars, assembled by two leading literary critics, offers a book-by-book guide through the Old and New Testaments as well as general essays on the Bible as a whole, providing an enticing reintroduction to a work that has shaped our language and thought for thousands of years.

An international team of renowned scholars, assembled by two leading literary critics, offers a book-by-book guide through the Old and New Testaments as well as general essays on the Bible as a whole, providing an enticing reintroduction to ..."

Biblical Poetry and the Art of Close Reading

Explores the aesthetic dimensions of biblical poetry, offering close readings of poems across the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament.

Explores the aesthetic dimensions of biblical poetry, offering close readings of poems across the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament."

Narrative Obtrusion in the Hebrew Bible

Narrators of the Hebrew Bible generally allow their stories to proceed while relying on characters and dialogue to provide necessary information. Paris calls attention to when the story teller “breaks frame” to provide information or direct reader understanding, preventing undesirable construals or interpretations of the story. After surveying the phenomenon in the Hebrew Bible and other ancient Near Eastern literature, Paris focuses on the Deuteronomistic History. Paris argues that attention to narrative obtrusion offers an entry point into the world of the narrator and redefines aspects of narrative criticism.

Paris calls attention to when the story teller “breaks frame” to provide information or direct reader understanding, preventing undesirable construals or interpretations of the story."

The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Narrative

Comprised of contributions from scholars across the globe, The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Narrative is a state-of-the-art anthology, offering critical treatments of both the Bible's narratives and topics related to the Bible's narrative constructions. The Handbook covers the Bible's narrative literature, from Genesis to Revelation, providing concise overviews of literary-critical scholarship as well as innovative readings of individual narratives informed by a variety of methodological approaches and theoretical frameworks. The volume as a whole combines literary sensitivities with the traditional historical and sociological questions of biblical criticism and puts biblical studies into intentional conversation with other disciplines in the humanities. It reframes biblical literature in a way that highlights its aesthetic characteristics, its ethical and religious appeal, its organic qualities as communal literature, its witness to various forms of social and political negotiation, and its uncanny power to affect readers and hearers across disparate time-frames and global communities.

In Biblical Masculinities Foregrounded, edited by Ovidiu Creangă and Peter- Ben Smit, 286–296. ... Images of the Christian Man and Male Spirituality in White Protestant America. ... Stinson , Randy , and Dan Dumas . 2011. A Guide to ..."

How Long Till My Soul Gets it Right?

A tool for overcoming life's obstacles - large and small - this book by psychotherapists Robert and Jane Alter shows how you can unlock your own inner power to heal the psyche and the soul. Using case studies, the authors show how to turn painful moments from the past into stepping stones toward a more fulfilling future. Based on the authors' 20 years of experience as psychologists, this guide is packed with examples and anecdotes to inspire and heal. For readers in need of comfort during difficult times, this book offers an look at how challenging life transitions can be positive growth experiences and opportunities for empowering change.

A tool for overcoming life's obstacles - large and small - this book by psychotherapists Robert and Jane Alter shows how you can unlock your own inner power to heal the psyche and the soul."

The Wisdom Books

"An award-winning author and professor adds a new volume to his series of translations and commentary on the Hebrew Bible, focusing on the rational moral order described in Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. "

"An award-winning author and professor adds a new volume to his series of translations and commentary on the Hebrew Bible, focusing on the rational moral order described in Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. ""

Beyond Form Criticism

Semiotics : a brief review of a method and some explanation of procedures / Jean Calloud -- A structural exegesis of Genesis 2 and 3 / Daniel Patte and Judson F. Parker -- A literary approach to the Bible / Robert Alter -- Some observations on the analysis of structure in biblical narrative / Shimon Bar-Efrat -- The plot of the biblical story of Ruth / Barbara Green -- Characterization in biblical narrative : David's wives / Adele Berlin. - The Bible's art of persuasion : ideology, rhetoric, and poetics in Saul's fall / Meir Sternberg -- Isaac, Samson, and Saul : reflections on the comic and tragic visions / J. Cheryl Exum and J. Williams Whedbee -- The grammatical aspect of biblical parallelism / Adele Berlin -- Of broken pots, fluttering birds, and visions in the night : extended simile.

Semiotics : a brief review of a method and some explanation of procedures / Jean Calloud -- A structural exegesis of Genesis 2 and 3 / Daniel Patte and Judson F. Parker -- A literary approach to the Bible / Robert Alter -- Some observations ..."

The Book of Genesis

Understand how it all happened-the fall, the flood, and more. Discover how Genesis' people, promises, and events impact your life today. Get insights into faith, blessings, and God's great plan for you-and the world.

Understand how it all happened-the fall, the flood, and more.The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Book of Genesis helps you discover how the people, promises, and events in the Book of Genesis impact your life today."

King James's Bible

Without an understanding of Biblical stories, readers lose out on much of the richness of English literature, as authors from Milton through T.S. Eliot to Jeanette Winterson draw inspiration from Biblical stories in their own writing. This user-friendly annotated selection of key passages from the King James’s Bible clarifies the key themes, characters, stories and genealogies for students, offering timelines, a bibliography, and a detailed index for quick and easy reference. The original 1984 version, of which this is a revised edition, was written by Bill Stevenson as a response to his students' difficulty with biblical references in literature - a selection from the King James’s Bible that would give the student a notion of what the book contains, including the history of the 1611 text, the strands of imagery that bind the whole together. It gives the student a brief overview of the political, historical and religious contexts of the stories in the Bible as well as a brief history of the different versions of the Bible.

 Alter , Robert (1981) The Art of Biblical Narrative , New York. Alter , Robert (1985) The Art of Biblical Poetry , New York. Alter , Robert (1987a) 'The Characteristics of Ancient Hebrew Poetry ', in R. Alter and K. Kermode, eds, The Literary ..."

On Biblical Poetry

On Biblical Poetry takes a fresh look at the nature of biblical Hebrew poetry beyond its currently best-known feature, parallelism. F.W. Dobbs-Allsopp argues that biblical poetry is in most respects just like any other verse tradition, and therefore biblical poems should be read and interpreted like other poems, using the same critical tools and with the same kinds of guiding assumptions in place. He offers a series of programmatic essays on major facets of biblical verse, each aspiring to alter currently regnant conceptualizations in the field and to show that attention to aspects of prosody--rhythm, lineation, and the like--allied with close reading can yield interesting, valuable, and even pleasurable interpretations. What distinguishes the verse of the Bible, says Dobbs-Allsopp, is its historicity and cultural specificity, those peculiar encrustations and encumbrances that typify all human artifacts. Both the literary and the historical, then, are in view throughout. The concluding essay elaborates a close reading of Psalm 133. This chapter enacts the final movement to the set of literary and historical arguments mounted throughout the volume--an example of the holistic staging which, Dobbs-Allsopp argues, is much needed in the field of Biblical Studies.

 The Art of Biblical Narrative . New York: Basic Books, 1981. Alter , Robert . “How Convention Helps Us Read: The Case of the Bible's Annunciation TypeScene.” Prooftexts 3 (1983): 115–30. Alter , Robert . The Art of Biblical Poetry ."

David's Politics

David’s Politics evaluates what we can learn about politics by studying David's life as presented in the Books of Samuel and the first two chapters of 1 Kings. This book follows his life as a servant to King Saul, a rebel against Saul, and as king, and shows that he has considerable political skill in all three stages.

 Alter , Robert . 1981. The Art of Biblical Narrative . New York: Basic Books. Alter , Robert . 1985. The Art of Biblical Poetry . New York: Basic Books. Alter , Robert . 1992. The World of Biblical Literature. New York: Basic Books."

Job 28 as Rhetoric

This volume argues that Job 28, as Job's words in its present position, has a special rhetorical function within the whole book, and more specifically within the context of chapters 22-31

In Traditions in Transformation: Turning Points in Biblical Faith, 213-46. Edited by Baruch Halpern and Jon D. Levenson. ... Alter , Robert 1981 The Art of Biblical Narrative . London; Sydney: George Allen & Unwin. 1981 “Between Narration ..."

Wom(b)an: A Cultural-Narrative Reading of the Hebrew Bible Barrenness Narratives

In this book Janice Ewurama De-Whyte offers a reading of the Hebrew Bible barrenness narratives. Barrenness was the threat to female honour and the lineage’s continuity. Therefore, the word “wom(b)an” visually underscores the centrality of the productive womb to female identity.

The International Journal of African Historical Studies 28 (1995) 481–508. Alster, Bendt. Proverbs of Ancient Sumer: The World's Earliest Proverb Collections. Bethesda, MD: CDL, 1997. Alter , Robert . The Art of Biblical Narrative ."

Biblical Narrative and the Death of the Rhapsode

Informed by literary theory and Homeric scholarship as well as biblical studies, Biblical Narrative and the Death of the Rhapsode sheds new light on the Hebrew Bible and, more generally, on the possibilities of narrative form. Robert S. Kawashima compares the narratives of the Hebrew Bible with Homeric and Ugaritic epic in order to account for the "novelty" of biblical prose narrative. Long before Herodotus or Homer, Israelite writers practiced an innovative narrative art, which anticipated the modern novelist's craft. Though their work is undeniably linked to the linguistic tradition of the Ugaritic narrative poems, there are substantive differences between the bodies of work. Kawashima views biblical narrative as the result of a specifically written verbal art that we should counterpose to the oral-traditional art of epic. Beyond this strictly historical thesis, the study has theoretical implications for the study of narrative, literature, and oral tradition. Indiana Studies in Biblical Literature -- Herbert Marks, General Editor

Aitken , Kenneth T. " Oral Formulaic Composition and Theme in the Aqhat Narrative . " UF 21 ( 1989 ) : 1-16 . " Word Pairs and Tradition in an Ugaritic ... Alter , Robert . The Art of Biblical Narrative . New York : Basic Books , 1981 ."

Not in God's Name

***2015 National Jewish Book Award Winner*** In this powerful and timely book, one of the most admired and authoritative religious leaders of our time tackles the phenomenon of religious extremism and violence committed in the name of God. If religion is perceived as being part of the problem, Rabbi Sacks argues, then it must also form part of the solution. When religion becomes a zero-sum conceit—that is, my religion is the only right path to God, therefore your religion is by definition wrong—and individuals are motivated by what Rabbi Sacks calls “altruistic evil,” violence between peoples of different beliefs appears to be the only natural outcome. But through an exploration of the roots of violence and its relationship to religion, and employing groundbreaking biblical analysis and interpretation, Rabbi Sacks shows that religiously inspired violence has as its source misreadings of biblical texts at the heart of all three Abrahamic faiths. By looking anew at the book of Genesis, with its foundational stories of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Rabbi Sacks offers a radical rereading of many of the Bible’s seminal stories of sibling rivalry: Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, Rachel and Leah. “Abraham himself,” writes Rabbi Sacks, “sought to be a blessing to others regardless of their faith. That idea, ignored for many of the intervening centuries, remains the simplest definition of Abrahamic faith. It is not our task to conquer or convert the world or enforce uniformity of belief. It is our task to be a blessing to the world. The use of religion for political ends is not righteousness but idolatry . . . To invoke God to justify violence against the innocent is not an act of sanctity but of sacrilege.” Here is an eloquent call for people of goodwill from all faiths and none to stand together, confront the religious extremism that threatens to destroy us, and declare: Not in God’s Name.

Wigoder, Geoffrey, Jewish-Christian Relations since the Second World War, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1988. Chapters 6-9 Alter , Robert , The Art of Biblical Narrative , New York, Basic Books, 1981. Alter , Robert , The Art of ..."

After the Invasion

In the wake of the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem and the displacement of exile, there is a unique story that is told about the remnant left behind after the invasion. The narrative of Jeremiah 40--44 unfolds the challenges and crises of this community who remain in Judah as they negotiate their survival following the catastrophe of Jerusalem's fall. After the Invasion shares the often overlooked, but compelling story that emerges from the five later chapters of Jeremiah. Keith Bodner expertly reveals the assortment of personalities, geographic locations, shifts in point of view, temporal compression, and layers of irony. Primary focused on the narrative design of this text, Professor Bodner proves that these chapters form a creative and sophisticated narrative that make a rich, though perhaps underestimated, contribution to the book of Jeremiah as a whole.

 Alter , Robert . The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary. New York: W. W. Norton, 2008. Alter , Robert . The World of Biblical Literature. London: SPCK, 1992. Alter , Robert . The Art of Biblical Poetry . New York: Basic Books, ..."

George Herbert's Christian Narrative

 Alter , Robert . The Art of Biblical Narrative . New York: Basic Books, 1981. . The Art of Biblical Poetry . New York: Basic Books, 1985. Alter , Robert , and Frank Kermode, eds. The Literary Guide to the Bible. Cambridge: Harvard University ..."

The David Story

The story of David, forceful slayer of Goliath, is plucked from the Bible and molded into a piece of literature that stands on its own--a narrative representation of a human life shaped by the pressures of political life and family, the impulses of body and spirit, and the eventual sad decay of the flesh.

The story of David, forceful slayer of Goliath, is plucked from the Bible and molded into a piece of literature that stands on its own--a narrative representation of a human life shaped by the pressures of political life and family, the ..."

Characters and Characterization in the Book of Samuel

Characters provide the entry point to the story of the books of Samuel, just as they do in all stories. In this book the history of research into characters in Samuel, and the role(s) they play in the text are examined and discussed. The contributors look at the interpretative function of characters in the Samuel stories, and at issues of textual composition and what profiling of characters within the text can add to theories surrounding this issue. Specific characters are also profiled and studied. The character of God is examined: is God kind towards Israel? Is God loving and 'worthy to be praised' 2 Sam 22.4. Characters such as Hannah are examined from the perspective of literary type, as well as Eli as priest and Samuel himself as prophet. All of the major characters within the books are studied, including David and Jonathan, and chapters also treat the minor characters and offer information on their roles in the structure of the text. The contributors provide a range of different approaches to characterization, according to their specific expertise, and provide a thorough handbook to the characters in Samuel and their roles in the literary make-up of the text.

 Alter , Robert . The Art of Biblical Narrative . Rev. ed. New York: Basic Books, 2011. Alter , Robert . ... Alter , Robert . The David Story: A Translation with Commentary of 1 and 2 Samuel. New York: W. W. Norton, 2000. Amit, Yairah."

Character Complexity in the Book of Ruth

Kristen Moen Saxegaard demonstrates how character complexity generates theological themes in the Book of Ruth. Each character has its specific voice which raises a particular topic. The interaction between the characters elaborates multiple perspectives to these themes, which offer new approaches and alternative answers to the reading of Ruth.

 ALTER , ROBERT . The Art of Biblical Narrative . London : George Allen & Unwin , 1981 . - The Art of Biblical Poetry . Edinburgh : T & T Clark , 1990 . -The World of Biblical Literature . London : Basic Books , 1992 ."

Sexual Politics in the Biblical Narrative

This book is for anyone interested in religious studies and women's studies, as well as for biblical scholars. It offers a feminist oppositional reading of the biblical text. The main argument is that the Bible constructs a fictional universe in which women are shown to be intent on promoting male interests, and, for the most part, appear as secondary characters whose voice and point of view are often suppressed. In their limited roles as mothers, wives, daughters and sisters, women are constructed as male-dependent pawns intent on securing the status of their male counterparts. The Biblical narrative highlights the contribution of women as reproductive agents and protectors of sons. In this challenging collection of essays, Fuchs focuses on type-scenes as a way of demonstrating the mechanisms by which the texts validates male power and superiority. She also deconstructs the Biblical sexual politics by asking whose interest is being served by the 'good' women of the Bible.Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement series, Volume 310.

Beyond Androcentrism, pp. 183-216. Alter , Robert , The Art of Biblical Narrative (New York: Basic Books, 1981). —'How Convention Helps Us Read: The Case of the Bible's Annunciation Type-Scene', Prooftexts 3 (1983), pp. 115-30."

What is Narrative Criticism?

The first nontechnical description of the principles and procedures of narrative criticism. Written for students' and pastors' use in their own exegesis.With great clarity Powell outlines the principles and procedures that narrative critics follow in exegesis of gospel texts and explains concepts such as "point of view," "narration," "irony," and "symbolism." Chapters are devoted to each of the three principal elements of narrative: events, characters, and settings; and case studies are provided to illustrate how the method is applied in each instance. The book concludes with an honest appraisal of the contribution that narrative criticism makes, a consideration of objections that have been raised against the use of this method, and a discussion of the hermeneutical implications this method raises for the church.

Wellek , Rene , and Warren , Austin . Theory of Literature . 3d ed . San Diego : Harcourt , Brace , Jovanovich , 1975 . PART 2 : LITERARY CRITICISM AND BIBLICAL NARRATIVE Alter , Robert . The Art of Biblical Narrative ."

The Hebrew Bible as Literature: A Very Short Introduction

The Hebrew Bible, or Christian Old Testament, contains some of the finest literature that we have. This biblical literature has a place not only in the synagogue or the church but also among the classics of world literature. The stories of Jacob and David, for instance, present the earliest surviving examples of literary characters whose development the reader follows over the length of a lifetime. Elsewhere, as in the books of Esther or Ruth, readers find a snapshot of a particular, fraught moment that will define the character. The Hebrew Bible also provides quite a few high points of lyric poetry, from the praise and lament of the Psalms to the double entendres in the love of poetry of the Song of Songs. In short, the Bible can be celebrated not only as religious literature but, quite simply, as literature. This book offers a thorough and lively introduction to the Bible's two primary literary modes, narrative and poetry, foregrounding the nuances of plot, character, metaphor, structure and design, and intertextual allusions. Tod Linafelt thus gives readers the tools to fully experience and appreciate the Old Testament's literary achievement. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

 The Art of Biblical Narrative . Rev. ed. New York: Basic Books, 2011. Alter , Robert . The Art of Biblical Poetry . Rev. ed. New York: Basic Books, 2011. Auerbach, Erich. “Odysseus' Scar.” In Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in ..."

Victim and Victimizer

This book attempts an interesting exercise in character analysis. It scrutinizes the speeches of Joseph in such a way as to expose the problematic nature of his claims to know God's intentions. While Judah is forced by Joseph's test to choose slavery for the sake of his father's survival, the ironic reversal of Judah's role from victimizer to victim is undercut by the rationale by which he had Joseph sold in order to save him. Unwittingly, Joseph mistakes this rationale as a divine principle that undergirds his suffering and he dreams of domination for the same purpose of survival. He is unaware of Judah's real predicament and this double blindness calls into doubt the coalescence of perspectives of Joseph and the narrator.

This book attempts an interesting exercise in character analysis."

Preaching Mark's Gospel

In a classic case of failing to see the forest for the trees, Jensen, a homiletics professor and author of two works on narrative preaching, says that preachers tend to analyze biblical books to glean the slightest bits of exegetical data, yet miss the thrust of the overarching story they try to convey. Jensen contends that preachers get too caught up in an analytical, left-brained mentality that obscures the power and meaning of the good news story. In these pages Jensen helps us approach Mark's gospel with eyes wide open rather than with microscope in hand. He treats Mark's gospel as a narrative whole and challenges preachers to tell the gospel's story to their congregations. In doing so, Jensen emphasizes the strength of biblical stories. He says that these stories are powerful in and of themselves and that they work without much explanatory help. The problem is that listeners never hear the entire story because it's always told to them in bits and pieces. Jensen's adaptation of what Robert Alter (author of The Art of Biblical Narrative) calls narrative analogy assumes that "... parallel acts or situations are used to comment on each other in biblical narrative." In other words, if Mark told story "B" to flesh out the reality of story "A," then perhaps preachers today can do the same thing in their preaching. Students of Jensen have enthusiastically embraced this approach: "This is great, we never get to hear them (stories) whole " How did it ever occur to us that we could improve on the story of the Prodigal Son, for example, by reducing it to ideas? Richard A. Jensen teaches homiletics at Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, and Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. He is best known for his ten-year stint as preacher for the national radio program Lutheran Vespers. He has also produced a television series titled Reflections and one titled Rhapsody.

He says that these stories are powerful in and of themselves and that they work without much explanatory help. The problem is that listeners never hear the entire story because it's always told to them in bits and pieces."

Reading Hebrew Bible Narratives

Reading Hebrew Bible Narratives introduces readers to narrative traditions of the Old Testament and to methods of interpreting them. Part of the Essentials of Biblical Studies series, this volume presents readers with an overview of exegesis by mainly focusing on a self-contained narrative to be read alongside the text. Through sustained interaction with the book of Ruth, readers have opportunities to engage a biblical book from multiple perspectives, while taking note of the wider implications of such perspectives for other biblical narratives. Other select texts from Hebrew Bible narratives, related by theme or content to matters in Ruth, are also examined, not only to assist in illustrating this method of approach, but also to offer reinforcement of reading skills and connections among different narrative traditions. Considering literary analysis, words and texts in context, and reception history, this brief introduction gives students an overview of how exegesis illuminates stories in the Bible.

 Alter , Robert . 1981. The Art of Biblical Narrative . New York: Basic Books. Amit, Yaira. 2000. Hidden Polemics in Biblical Narrative . Leiden: Brill. Arnold, Bill T., and H. G. M. Williamson, eds. 2005. Dictionary of the Old Testament: ..."

Redemption (Memory Man Series, 5) - Baldacci, David Review & Synopsis


Detective Amos Decker discovers that a mistake he made as a rookie detective may have led to deadly consequences in this compelling Memory Man thriller by #1 New York Times bestselling author David Baldacci.

Decker is visiting his hometown of Burlington, Ohio, when he's approached by a man named Meryl Hawkins. Hawkins is a convicted murderer. In fact, he's the very first killer Decker ever put behind bars. But he's innocent, he claims. Now suffering from terminal cancer, it's his dying wish that Decker clear his name.

It's unthinkable. The case was open and shut, with rock solid forensic evidence. But then Hawkins later turns up dead with a bullet in his head, and even Decker begins to have doubts. Is it possible that he really did get it wrong, all those years ago?

Decker's determined to uncover the truth, no matter the personal cost. But solving a case this cold may be impossible, especially when it becomes clear that someone doesn't want the old case reopened. Someone who is willing to kill to keep the truth buried, and hide a decades-old secret that may have devastating repercussions . . .


David Baldacci is a global #1 bestselling author, and one of the world's favorite storytellers. His books are published in over 45 languages and in more than 80 countries, with over 130 million worldwide sales. His works have been adapted for both feature film and television. David Baldacci is also the cofounder, along with his wife, of the Wish You Well Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting literacy efforts across America. Still a resident of his native Virginia, he invites you to visit him at and his foundation at"Baldacci turns up the suspense and surprises at a rapid pace in Redemption without sacrificing character or story. With the personal stakes and the steep learning curve that Decker must overcome to find justice, the narrative carries a heavier emotional impact. Essentially, this is another great novel from a master storyteller."-Associated Press

"Staying true to its title, Redemption is a riveting thriller, as relentlessly suspenseful as it is blisteringly original. Baldacci may be an old hand at this but his grasp has never been stronger."-Providence Journal

"Little by little he thaws the case out, exposing a town full of secrets that have far-reaching, international ramifications. Redemption's unusual plot will have you wanting to step back and say 'wait a minute.' But then you remember, this is David Baldacci, the master storyteller, and you keep turning the pages."-The Florida Times Union


"Baldacci is a wonderful storyteller, and he incorporates wonderful characters into baffling conspiracies....He takes on small-town America, capturing both good and bad elements. He demonstrates why these small towns are worth saving. It's a theme he has explored before, but it still has potency and relevance."-Associated Press on The Fallen

"A compelling puzzler...Baldacci is a truly gifted storyteller, and this novel is a perfect "fix" for the thriller aficionado."-Associated Press on The Fix

"Decker is one of the most unusual detectives any novelist has dreamed up...a master class on the bestseller....Highly entertaining."-Washington Post

"Crackling with tension...Reads at a breakneck pace...Bestselling author David Baldacci delivers a thrill ride, as always. Big time. Pick up THE FIX, and you won't put it down until you reach the end. Guaranteed." on The Fix

"Amos Decker is an amazing character. Reading how Decker journeys from hitting rock bottom to finding ultimate redemption is nothing short of rewarding."-Associated Press

"Perennial bestseller Baldacci unveils an offbeat hero with an unusual skill set and tragic past who takes on the evil mastermind behind a devastating school shooting..[Decker] proves a quirky, original antihero with a definite method to his madness...Readers will want to see Decker back on the printed page again and again."-Kirkus Reviews on Memory Man

"Baldacci's novels always have an emotional component...But MEMORY MAN stands out among his thrillers for its deeply felt - and earned - sense of catharsis and healing...Baldacci's last few books have been among his best, and it's a pleasure to see him produce emotionally and dramatically intense work at the height of his maturity as a novelist."-Richmond Times-Dispatch on Memory Man

New Memory Man Thriller

Detective Amos Decker discovers that a mistake he made as a rookie detective may have led to deadly consequences in the latest Memory Man thriller in David Baldacci's #1 New York Times bestselling series. Amos Decker and his FBI partner Alex Jamison are visiting his hometown of Burlington, Ohio, when he's approached by an unfamiliar man. But he instantly recognizes the man's name: Meryl Hawkins. He's the first person Decker ever arrested for murder back when he was a young detective. Though a dozen years in prison have left Hawkins unrecognizably aged and terminally ill, one thing hasn't changed: He maintains he never committed the murders. Could it be possible that Decker made a mistake all those years ago? As he starts digging into the old case, Decker finds a startling connection to a new crime that he may be able to prevent, if only he can put the pieces together quickly enough...

Detective Amos Decker discovers that a mistake he made as a rookie detective may have led to deadly consequences in the latest Memory Man thriller in David Baldacci's #1 New York Times bestselling series."

Redemption: An Amos Decker Novel 5

FBI Special Agent Amos Decker discovers that a mistake he made as a rookie detective may have led to deadly consequences in the latest Memory Man thriller in David Baldacci’s number one New York Times bestselling series. Amos Decker and his FBI partner Alex Jamison are visiting his hometown of Burlington, Ohio, when he’s approached by an unfamiliar man. But he instantly recognizes the man’s name: Meryl Hawkins. He’s the first person Decker ever arrested for murder back when he was a young detective. Though a dozen years in prison have left Hawkins unrecognizably aged and terminally ill, one thing hasn’t changed: He maintains he never committed the murders. Could it be possible that Decker made a mistake all those years ago? As he starts digging into the old case, Decker finds a startling connection to a new crime that he may be able to prevent, if only he can put the pieces together quickly enough . . .

FBI Special Agent Amos Decker discovers that a mistake he made as a rookie detective may have led to deadly consequences in the latest Memory Man thriller in David Baldacci’s number one New York Times bestselling series."

David Baldacci Spring 2020

The #1 New York Times bestselling author with over 130 million books in print worldwide returns with his next blockbuster thriller.

The #1 New York Times bestselling author with over 130 million books in print worldwide returns with his next blockbuster thriller."

The Finisher

On the 50th anniversary of the publication of his first novel, Peter Lovesey, Mystery Writers of America Grand Master and titan of the British detective novel, returns to the subject of his very first mystery—running. Through a particularly ill-fated series of events, couch potato Maeve Kelly, an elementary school teacher whose mother always assured her “curvy” girls shouldn’t waste their time trying to be fit, has been forced to sign up for the Other Half, Bath’s springtime half marathon. The training is brutal, but she must disprove her mother and collect pledges for her aunt’s beloved charity. What Maeve doesn’t know is just how vicious some of the other runners are. Meanwhile, Detective Peter Diamond is tasked with crowd control on the raucous day of the race—and catches sight of a violent criminal he put away a decade ago, and who very much seems to be up to his old tricks now that he is paroled. Diamond’s hackles are already up when he learns that one of the runners never crossed the finish line and disappeared without a trace. Was Diamond a spectator to murder?

 Peter Lovesey . SERGEANT CRIBB SERIES Wobble to Death The Tick of Death The Detective Wore Silk Drawers A Case of ... Detective Skeleton Hill Diamond Solitaire Stagestruck The Summons Cop to Corpse Bloodhounds The Tooth Tattoo Upon a ..."

The Fallen

The Number One Bestseller. Amos Decker, David Baldacci's unique special agent with the gift of a remarkable memory, returns in The Fallen. Small towns which have seen better times are not unusual. But the mysterious events in Baronville, Pennsylvania, are raising the highly-tuned antennae of agent Amos Decker and his FBI partner, Alex Jamison. What was supposed to be a relaxing vacation turns into a murder investigation when two bodies are found in a nearby deserted house. With the body count rising, Decker and Jamison dig deep to uncover a sinister truth in Baronville, which could be the canary in the coal mine for the rest of the country. But even the duo’s skills and Amos Decker’s infallible memory may not be enough to save the town, or them, from becoming the next victims. The fourth title in the Amos Decker crime series, following the bestselling Memory Man, The Last Mile and The Fix. Continue the series with Redemption.

The fourth title in the Amos Decker crime series, following the bestselling Memory Man, The Last Mile and The Fix. Continue the series with Redemption."


Detective Amos Decker discovers that a mistake he made as a rookie detective may have led to deadly consequences in this compelling Memory Man thriller by #1 New York Times bestselling author David Baldacci. Decker is visiting his hometown of Burlington, Ohio, when he's approached by a man named Meryl Hawkins. Hawkins is a convicted murderer. In fact, he's the very first killer Decker ever put behind bars. But he's innocent, he claims. Now suffering from terminal cancer, it's his dying wish that Decker clear his name. It's unthinkable. The case was open and shut, with rock solid forensic evidence. But when Hawkins turns up dead with a bullet in his head, even Decker begins to have doubts. Is it possible that he really did get it wrong, all those years ago? Decker's determined to uncover the truth, no matter the personal cost. But solving a case this cold may be impossible, especially when it becomes clear that someone doesn't want the old case reopened. Someone who is willing to kill to keep the truth buried, and hide a decades-old secret that may have devastating repercussions . . .

 David Baldacci . No discarded wrappers or empty pill bottles. Just a small duffel of clothes, a few bucks in his wallet. The post will show ... Decker looked around the room again, taking in every detail and imprinting it on his memory ."